Monday, December 15, 2008

CrossFit Central Rogue Training

CrossFit Central Rogue Boot Camp is a unique hybrid program that combines elements of CrossFit Central's Indoor Program and Outdoor Boot Camp. This program will help you increase your skill and ability in running; however, if you are not a runner, this class is still a great program for you! This training will increase your fitness levels and help you reach your goals. By engaging in a functional training program you will slim down, tone up, increase your endurance, core, power, prevent injury and set yourself up for success, whatever your goals may be!

CrossFit Rogue Training will implement and improve all 10 general physical skills as defined by Jim Cawley, founder of Dynamax Medicine Balls.

Endurance -The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen (cardiovascular/respiratory endurance)
Stamina - The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy. (capacity to maintain repetitive muscular movements)
Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force
Flexibility - the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint
Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time
Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement
Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a single distinct movement
Agility - The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another
Balance - The ability to control the placement of the body's center of gravity in relation to its support base
Accuracy - The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity

CrossFit Central Rogue Schedule and Sign Up

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