Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I am excited to announce that CrossFit Rogue Boot Camp is now offering a new outdoor option on Mondays & Wednesdays from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM starting March!!! Our PM classes have been busting at the seams and I wanted to offer another evening option but the Rogue facility is all booked up. is about to be Spring, beautiful weather and fresh air so we are taking this class outside! This will be the only outdoor boot camp class offered out of the 4 CrossFit Rogue boot camps.

This class will meet at Sanchez Park a few blocks from the Rogue training facility. 73 San Marcos to be exact. Some of my current boot campers have been there before and it is tons of fun. There is a covered basketball court which creates a nice even surface to work on, a track which is great to utilize and lots more!!

If you are interested in joining this boot camp get signed-up online asap as class starts next week!!

Steps to Register:
Go to this LINK
Click on Central/Downtown Boot Camps
Scroll down until you see Central Austin - Sanchez Elementary
Click Sign-Up Now!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CrossFit Run/Endurance Certified

This past weekend me and 3 other coaches from CrossFit Central went to Fort Worth for a Running & Endurance certification. The cert. was extremely informative and will be hugely beneficial for myself as well as my clients. I learned how to run more efficiently using the POSE technique if you are familiar with that form. I learned how to program for endurance athletes using the CrossFit method which will help any of my boot campers who train with Rogue. I learned about injury prevention, skills and drills, stretches and trigger point therapy. The appropriate running shoes and fine tuning nutrition for endurance athletes. I feel like I have a wealth of new knowledge and have already been putting it to use.

The boot camp at Rogue is for anybody and everybody, not just runners or triathletes but I feel knowing this information makes me that much better of a coach to all my clients. I do what I do because I love to help people obtain their fitness goals, to be healthy and happy and know that whatever they want to accomplish they can and I am here to help them along.

Let me know if I can help in any way or if you just would like some tips or advice!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Congratulations are in Order...

Everybody in my Boot Camp classes should be congratulated because just signing up and coming is an awesome thing! You should all be very proud of yourselves. BUT, today I want to highlight two people, Elizabeth Bassett and Alexandra Janss.

Elizabeth has been consistently coming to boot camp for the last month and a half and working hard and it is paying off. She has lost 11 lbs. in the last 6 weeks!! I held a brief Zone Diet meeting last week and she took it upon herself to take it up a notch and give it a shot and she has lost 5 lbs just in the last 2 weeks! AWESOME job and KEEP IT UP! I love hearing about my client's success so please share with me your own success.

The other person I wanted to congratulate is Alexandra Janss aka Alex or Al =) She started boot camp a few months ago and works her booty off. At the same time she was training for her first full marathon, the Austin marathon. She ran it on Sunday and blew it out of the water. Her time was 3 hrs 39 minutes!!! She qualified for the Boston marathon. Not an easy thing to do. She said boot camp helped her to stay strong and injury free. She has now come on with us at CrossFit Central as an assistant coach!!! She will be starting to assist me with my morning and evening boot camps in March. Welcome Alex!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Workout of the Day

We are now in the 3rd week of February sessions and everybody is kicking butt! Today's WOD (Workout of the Day) is listed below. Great job!!

Reps: 21-15-9-15-21

Dumbell Cleans (10-15lb dumbells)
Medball Knee Slam Sit-Ups

After that we utilized the stability ball and did some Glute and Hamstring Planks and more core work.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Free Weekend Events

The great thing about being a client with CrossFit Central is that you get so much more than what you pay for. On top of the body assesments, nutrition counceling, food log accountability, supplements, etc. we almost always hosting FREE weekend workouts and events!!

This weekend we have 2!! Saturday we are holding a 2 hour workshop for all "I AM CROSSFIT" participants. This will be a really hands on technical workshop covering body weight movements and barbell movements. Should be fun and lots to learn!

Sunday we are having our WOMEN'S ONLY CrossFit Indoor workout. The workout will run from 9:30 - 10:30 AM and after we will head over to Central Market for some brunch and fun.

I can't express enough what an awesome community CrossFit Central is and hope that you can be a part of it! Check out website for all upcoming events, programs and news!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Team Work

This morning in boot camp we switched it up a bit and did a "Team" workout. We divided up into 3 different groups and had to complete the following moves and reps as a team before moving to the next station.

Station 1
250 Reps of Each of the Following:
Wall Ball
Lunge with Overhead Press

Station 2
200 Reps of Each of the Following:
Box Jumps

Station 3
300 Reps of Each of the Following:
Russian Twist
Medball Toe Touches

Everybody worked together to decide if they would divide the reps evenly amongst everyone on the team or if each of them would take the most reps for their favorite move, how many rounds they would take to do the number of reps decided, if there would be a person resting, etc. It was up to them to strategies on how they would tackle this workout together.

All in all I thought it was a great workout and a great chance to interact with and encourage your fellow boot campers. Awesome job to everyone!!! Go Team!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Shout Out...

There are so many hard workers in the CrossFit Rogue Boot Camp classes this month! Lots of new people as well as returning people. I am honestly impressed by the hard work that these people put in every time they show up. Just wanted to highlight Sarah Ringstrom today though. I don't think she realizes how hard she works and how well she does. She always has beautiful form and pushes herself but doesn't give herself enough credit. So I decided I will give her the credit she deserves =) Awesome job Sarah!!! Keep it up!