Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Team Work

This morning in boot camp we switched it up a bit and did a "Team" workout. We divided up into 3 different groups and had to complete the following moves and reps as a team before moving to the next station.

Station 1
250 Reps of Each of the Following:
Wall Ball
Lunge with Overhead Press

Station 2
200 Reps of Each of the Following:
Box Jumps

Station 3
300 Reps of Each of the Following:
Russian Twist
Medball Toe Touches

Everybody worked together to decide if they would divide the reps evenly amongst everyone on the team or if each of them would take the most reps for their favorite move, how many rounds they would take to do the number of reps decided, if there would be a person resting, etc. It was up to them to strategies on how they would tackle this workout together.

All in all I thought it was a great workout and a great chance to interact with and encourage your fellow boot campers. Awesome job to everyone!!! Go Team!

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