Thursday, March 12, 2009

To Supplement or Not to Supplement?

That seems to be the question the last few weeks so I wanted to address it for everyone. I think people realize summer time is right around the corner and it's time to start getting serious about their workout regimen and nutrition so they can be feeling good, healthy, active and confident this year. Well...I'm going to lay it out for ya. YES supplement. YES Zone and YES YES YES definitely CrossFit. Why? IT WORKS!!! I have had personal success so I can say that without a doubt in my mind. I've tried all kinds of things over the years and always end up frustrated which is why I know that these 3 things together equals success. As well as my own personal success, many of my clients and colleagues have experienced success of their own once they trusted in what was being told to them and went for it. Read Julie Ward's success story! She lost over 80lbs by doing boot camp, taking Advocare products and zoning her meals the majority of the time. This is just one of the many stories out there.

I have now been an AdvoCare distributor for a year. Within that time I have tried many of the products so I could test them out myself, know what works best, for me anyways, and what I think you could do without. My goals have changed too. When I first started my main goal was to lean out so I tried a lot of the products geared toward weight loss and nutrition. Now my goals are more focused on my performance so I added muscle and recovery type products. I know it all...or most of it anyways, and can be a guide for you to get you to your goals!

Here are my top picks/must haves below. Click on the the link to read more about each one.

Trim Line -

Performance Line -
Arginine Extreme
Nighttime Recovery

The Meal Replacement Shakes are always great for easy, quick breakfasts and Spark is a definite must have and the number 1 seller. Great for before workouts to get you going or even at work to help you focus and keep you energized.

I can help you find the appropriate supplements to meet your goals as well as your financial budget so please let me know if you have any questions! As always, I am your coach in class and outside of class so please take advantage. Ask me questions about the zone, food log and give it to me to review so I can hold you accountable and give you tips/advice, ask me about supplements and how to reach your goals. Let me know how I can help.

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