Tuesday, June 23, 2009

CrossFit Rogue is Now CrossFit TX CREW

The CrossFit classes at Rogue have now moved to the TX Crew facility downtown on Caesar Chavez and Trinity (across from the Convention Center and next to Four Seasons) Check out the NEW BLOG for CrossFit at Texas Crew!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

June Sessions!!!!!

Sorry I have not posted in over a week. I have been on vacation and Alex has been covering all of my classes (thanks Alex!). Can't believe June sessions start next week!!! Time flies when you are on vacation I guess =) As always we are offering great specials and lots of class days and times to fit your needs. It is officially SUMMERTIME so get signed-up!

June sessions start next week!!! First day of class begins Monday, June 1st so if you want to sign up please do so online by going to this LINK and enrolling in the class you are interested in to reserve your spot. If you are on autopayments you are all set.

We are offer membership benefits for Auto Payment clients. If you sign-up for a 3 month payment plan you will receive 15% off classes, 6 month payment plan you receive 20% off classes and 1 year you receive 25% off classes! Please let me know if you are interested in taking advantage of these discounts and I can give you further details!


For Both New and Veteran Boot Campers:
Refer 3 Friends & Get Your Boot Camp For FREE!!!
Refer 3 Friends & All 4 Of You Get Boot Camp For $100/2xWeek (normally $150) & $175/3xWeek (normally $220)

For New Boot Campers Only:
When Two New Campers Sign Up for 3 Days a Week You Save $90.00!
When Two New Campers Sign Up for 2 Days a Week You Save $50.00!

Monday/Wednesday/Friday @ Rogue 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday @ Rogue 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Monday/Wednesday @ Sanchez Park (1/2 mile from Rogue) 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday/Thursday @ Rogue 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM
Tuesday/Thursday @ Rogue 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wednesday Mornings

Wednesday mornings at Rogue we are outside due to a spin class in the facility. I like to take advantage of this time. Change up the workout a little to make the most of being outdoors. Last week our workout was as follows:

4 Rounds:
20 Air Squats
1 Suicide Hill Sprint
5 Dumbell Snatches on Right
5 Dumbell Snatches on Left
10 Medball Push-Ups

Every boot camper that morning was focused, strong and looking good. Seriously! You all have improved more than you know and I am impressed at the work you continually put out. Keep it up!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Going Hard

The Monday/Wednesday/Friday 6 AM class at Rogue is going strong and almost half the class is participating in the 300 Spartan Challenge which means they are coming to class 3 days a week, doing at least another 3 workouts on their own, zoning their food, food logging and taking advocare. I am so excited to keep them on track and keep that intensity up through at least the next 6 weeks. They are going to be SIC FIT!!! The whole class is rockin it...keep up the great work!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Evaluation Day

Pictured Above: MacKenzie and Vanessa from the 6 PM Sanchez Park Class
This week is the beginning of May sessions which means evaluation day woo hoo! BUT we have revamped our evaluation standards and have come up with a 3 month rotation of workouts to gauge your progress rather than the same one every month. This will keep it fresh and won't feel so repetitive and will still give you an idea of how much stronger, faster, better you are! This month the workout for evaluation is a timed workout meaning that the times it takes you to complete it is what you write down and the next time you see this workout hopefully you will be faster!

3 Rounds of:
10 Medball Cleans
20 Overhead Squats
3 Cone Suicides

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

May Sessions, New Class, Class Times...

Pictured Above: Sanchez Boot Camp Group - Mondays & Wednesdays at 6:00 PM

May sessions start next week!!! First day of class begins May 4th so if you want to sign up please do so online by going to this LINK and enrolling in the class you are interested in to reserve your spot. If you are on autopayments you are all set.

I am excited to announce we are starting an additional mid-morning Boot Camp!!! For those of you who do not like early mornings or have kids you have to take to school this class will be the one for you! This new boot camp will run Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM and will be held at the Rogue facility.

The Tuesday/Thursday 6:30 AM class starting in May will now be 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM due to an overlap with a new running program.

We are offer membership benefits for Auto Payment clients. If you sign-up for a 3 month payment plan you will receive 15% off classes, 6 month payment plan you receive 20% off classes and 1 year you receive 25% off classes! Please let me know if you are interested in taking advantage of these discounts and I can give you further details!


For Both New and Veteran Boot Campers:
Refer 3 Friends & Get Your Boot Camp For FREE!!!
Refer 3 Friends & All 4 Of You Get Boot Camp For $100/2xWeek (normally $150) & $175/3xWeek (normally $220)

For New Boot Campers Only:
When Two New Campers Sign Up for 3 Days a Week You Save $90.00!
When Two New Campers Sign Up for 2 Days a Week You Save $50.00!

Monday/Wednesday/Friday @ Rogue 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM
*Monday/Wednesday/Thursday @ Rogue 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Monday/Wednesday @ Sanchez Park (1/2 mile from Rogue) 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
*Tuesday/Thursday @ Rogue 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM
Tuesday/Thursday @ Rogue 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Active Recovery Week starts tomorrow!! Get signed-up for free trigger point, foam roller, yoga and stretching classes online if you would like to attend.

We will also be hosting 4 FREE boot camp classes at Rogue and Sanchez Park. Please email me JessicaSharratt@CrossFitCentral.com if you would like to attend.

Monday 6 AM at Rogue
Monday 6 PM at Sanchez Park
Tuesday 6 PM at Rogue
Thursday 6:30 AM at Rogue

May sessions will begin May 4th. Get signed-up online to reserve your spot!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Today's WOD

We are in the last/4th week of April sessions and everybody is really doing an amazing job! We've had a lot of new people this month and I can't tell you how much better they are doing now from their first day. Really amazing work!!

Today's Workout of the Day:

5 Rounds of...
10 Dumbell Snatches on the Right Arm
10 Dumbell Snatches on the Left Arm
10 Box Jumps
10 Push-Ups

2 Rounds of...
10 Medball Partner Overhead Throws
10 Medball Partner 3 Tap Russians on Right
10 Medball Partner 3 Tap Russians on Left

1 Round of...
1 Suicide
8 Sprawls with Jumps
1 Suicide
5 Sprawls with Jumps
1 Suicide
3 Sprawls with Jumps

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Whittle the Middle Wednesday

Today's Workout:

3 Rounds of:
Broad Jumps up the Hill
10 Sprawls with Jump
10 Medball Cowboy Jumps
15 Push-Ups
Broad Jumps down the Hill

3 Rounds of:
20 Chest Presses on Medball
100 Russian Twists
Sprint up the Hill

That's 300 Russians in one morning! Whew...that's why I say "whittle the middle" =)Nice work today everybody!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Tuesday/Thursday 6 PM class at Rogue pose for a picture after a grueling workout.

Workout of the Day (WOD)
20 "Woman Makers"
20 Pull-ups
20 Lunges on Each Leg
20 Sit-Ups
20 Air Squats
20 Sprawls

We decided that we are going to re-name the Woman Makers "Whiners" or "Cry Babies" because they are just HARD no matter how in shape you are. Nice job to everybody for completing this workout.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Evaluation Day

First day of class for April sessions means Fitness Evaluation day. Some people hate it, some people love it, but gotta do it. I know it feels mundane compared to the crazy fun, heart pumping, challenging workouts we typically do but evaluations are important to gage your progress. You can see on paper, black and white, how many more reps you can do only after a month or how much faster you are and it reassures that you are doing something right. As of right now we only have one fitness evaluation that we do once a month. It is of the following:

1 Min. Max Reps of Push-Ups
1 Min. Max Reps of Sit-Ups
Lactic Threshold - 4 Rnds of 20 seconds on/10 seconds off of Squats
Timed 400 Meter Run

Friday, March 27, 2009

Saturday, March 28th

YES...another fun filled free Saturday! This Saturday we are hosting our monthly Under the Bridge workout at Town Lake. Better known as the UTB! One of my favorites!! It will be from 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM at Town Lake under the Mopac Bridge across from Austin High. It is open to anybody so bring your family and friends and get outside and be a part of this amazing community workout!

We are also hosting a free indoor workout at the CrossFit Central gym. This one you will need to RSVP to reserve your spot. The 8 AM is already full and the 9 AM is fast approaching capacity so if you want to attend get signed up by emailing Nicole at NicoleHughes@CrossFitCentral.com

Also, don't forget to get signed up for April sessions. Next week is the first week of April sessions and classes are filling up. If you are on auto payments your spot is already reserved. If not, go to this LINK to get signed up!

Hope to see you all there. If not, have a fabulous weekend and see you next week for April sessions!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Free Stuff

Pictured Above: Abby Glover on the Row

Pictured Above: Whitney Frakes performing In & Outs

Above are two of my boot camp clients taking advantage of the FREE women's workout we hosted on Sunday. Almost every weekend we offer something free or extra to our clients. Last weekend it was a free women's workout. Nice job to Abby, Amy and Whitney who participated! This coming weekend we are offering a free workout Saturday at Town Lake as well as at our facility. Get in an extra workout with us to and take advantage of what we offer. Zone diet information meetings, goal setting meetings, workouts and more! Always check out site for the latest and greatest! WWW.CROSSFITCENTRAL.COM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Medballs, Medballs, Medballs

What a great, diverse piece of equipment! I have a list a mile long of things you can do with medballs! Wall Balls, Medball Cleans, Medball Overhead Lunges, Soccer Throws, Chest Passes, Slams, Side Wall Slams, Partner Throws, Russian Twist, Toe Touches, the list goes on and on and on. Get to know them and love them...they are a great workout tool.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Eyra = Badass Boot Camper

Eyra Dzakuma is pictured above leading the pack. She has been a consistent boot camper at Rogue for months now and she basically just kicks ass! She rarely ever misses a class, only if she is sick or out of town. She pushes herself by grabbing heavier weights, using the smallest band for assisted pull-ups, heavier medball for wall balls and of course having a fun attitude all the way through. On Friday at the end of class I thought it would be fun to do a "Plank Holding Contest" and the winner would get a cool CrossFit Central t-shirt. After about a minute majority of the class had dropped, there were still about 5 standing and it came down to Eyra and Kendra. At 3 1/2 minutes...MINUTES Kendra finally dropped and Eyra took 1st place and walked away with a sweet new shirt. 3 1/2 minutes is a looooong time to hold a plank, and they were good planks too! Not to mention we did a ton of shoulder work just before. Nice work to both Kendra and Eyra and everybody else who participated!!! We'll have to have a rematch next month!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

To Supplement or Not to Supplement?

That seems to be the question the last few weeks so I wanted to address it for everyone. I think people realize summer time is right around the corner and it's time to start getting serious about their workout regimen and nutrition so they can be feeling good, healthy, active and confident this year. Well...I'm going to lay it out for ya. YES supplement. YES Zone and YES YES YES definitely CrossFit. Why? IT WORKS!!! I have had personal success so I can say that without a doubt in my mind. I've tried all kinds of things over the years and always end up frustrated which is why I know that these 3 things together equals success. As well as my own personal success, many of my clients and colleagues have experienced success of their own once they trusted in what was being told to them and went for it. Read Julie Ward's success story! She lost over 80lbs by doing boot camp, taking Advocare products and zoning her meals the majority of the time. This is just one of the many stories out there.

I have now been an AdvoCare distributor for a year. Within that time I have tried many of the products so I could test them out myself, know what works best, for me anyways, and what I think you could do without. My goals have changed too. When I first started my main goal was to lean out so I tried a lot of the products geared toward weight loss and nutrition. Now my goals are more focused on my performance so I added muscle and recovery type products. I know it all...or most of it anyways, and can be a guide for you to get you to your goals!

Here are my top picks/must haves below. Click on the the link to read more about each one.

Trim Line -

Performance Line -
Arginine Extreme
Nighttime Recovery

The Meal Replacement Shakes are always great for easy, quick breakfasts and Spark is a definite must have and the number 1 seller. Great for before workouts to get you going or even at work to help you focus and keep you energized.

I can help you find the appropriate supplements to meet your goals as well as your financial budget so please let me know if you have any questions! As always, I am your coach in class and outside of class so please take advantage. Ask me questions about the zone, food log and give it to me to review so I can hold you accountable and give you tips/advice, ask me about supplements and how to reach your goals. Let me know how I can help.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun Run

How do you make running and sprinting fun? An Indian Run!! Or you may have heard of the term snake run? Regardless of the name, it is a fun way to get in a good jog and sprints while also creating an encouraging and fun team atmosphere. All the participants line up in a single file line and start jogging at a moderate pace and then the person at the back sprints as hard as they can to the front of the line. Once that person is at the front he/she slows back down to a moderate job and the next person at the back of the line sprints to the front and so on. Everybody was extremely encouraging of each other to keep going or slow down/speed up. Motivating each other all along the way. Nice work team!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I am excited for my clients. More and more of them are taking an interest in learning about the Zone diet and Advocare products. These two things along with the workouts will really take you to that next step to reaching your goals and get the results you want so much quicker.

Nutrition is number 1. I don't know how many times I have said this but it typically takes people a few times of hearing it before they actually believe it. Last month I had a few more clients start asking me questions about the zone diet and advocare supplements and it makes me excited for them because a whole new door will open if they trust the process and just do it! Every time one of them has the next few weeks they tell me allll about their success!

When you sign-up for boot camp you are getting so much more than just 2 or 3 workouts a week. You have free access to everything you need to get in the best shape and health of your life!! Free body measurements, nutrition and supplement counseling, food log accountability, encouragement from your peers and coach, someone to go to for questions, advice, tips...we are here for YOU. Ask and you shall receive. Let me know how I can help. It's what I love to do and makes me excited for someone when they take those next steps.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sanchez Park Super Stars

Yesterday was the first day of the new boot camp held at Sanchez Park and everyone did fabulous! We did 2 Rounds of 50 squats & 400 Meter Runs, 2 Rounds of 50 Push-Ups & 400 Meter Runs and 2 rounds of 50 Sit-Ups and 400 Meter Runs followed by some good ole fashioned planks.

The weather was beautiful and the location is perfect! Lots to utilize...track for running, benches for box jumps, bars for pull-ups, walls for wall balls and a flat court for everything else in between.

Summer is just right around the corner and it's time to get feeling gooooood!!! This new boot camp will be held Mondays & Wednesdays at 6:00 PM. Join now while the weather is perfect!

Click HERE for more information and to sign-up!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I am excited to announce that CrossFit Rogue Boot Camp is now offering a new outdoor option on Mondays & Wednesdays from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM starting March!!! Our PM classes have been busting at the seams and I wanted to offer another evening option but the Rogue facility is all booked up. BUT...it is about to be Spring, beautiful weather and fresh air so we are taking this class outside! This will be the only outdoor boot camp class offered out of the 4 CrossFit Rogue boot camps.

This class will meet at Sanchez Park a few blocks from the Rogue training facility. 73 San Marcos to be exact. Some of my current boot campers have been there before and it is tons of fun. There is a covered basketball court which creates a nice even surface to work on, a track which is great to utilize and lots more!!

If you are interested in joining this boot camp get signed-up online asap as class starts next week!!

Steps to Register:
Go to this LINK
Click on Central/Downtown Boot Camps
Scroll down until you see Central Austin - Sanchez Elementary
Click Sign-Up Now!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CrossFit Run/Endurance Certified

This past weekend me and 3 other coaches from CrossFit Central went to Fort Worth for a Running & Endurance certification. The cert. was extremely informative and will be hugely beneficial for myself as well as my clients. I learned how to run more efficiently using the POSE technique if you are familiar with that form. I learned how to program for endurance athletes using the CrossFit method which will help any of my boot campers who train with Rogue. I learned about injury prevention, skills and drills, stretches and trigger point therapy. The appropriate running shoes and fine tuning nutrition for endurance athletes. I feel like I have a wealth of new knowledge and have already been putting it to use.

The boot camp at Rogue is for anybody and everybody, not just runners or triathletes but I feel knowing this information makes me that much better of a coach to all my clients. I do what I do because I love to help people obtain their fitness goals, to be healthy and happy and know that whatever they want to accomplish they can and I am here to help them along.

Let me know if I can help in any way or if you just would like some tips or advice!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Congratulations are in Order...

Everybody in my Boot Camp classes should be congratulated because just signing up and coming is an awesome thing! You should all be very proud of yourselves. BUT, today I want to highlight two people, Elizabeth Bassett and Alexandra Janss.

Elizabeth has been consistently coming to boot camp for the last month and a half and working hard and it is paying off. She has lost 11 lbs. in the last 6 weeks!! I held a brief Zone Diet meeting last week and she took it upon herself to take it up a notch and give it a shot and she has lost 5 lbs just in the last 2 weeks! AWESOME job and KEEP IT UP! I love hearing about my client's success so please share with me your own success.

The other person I wanted to congratulate is Alexandra Janss aka Alex or Al =) She started boot camp a few months ago and works her booty off. At the same time she was training for her first full marathon, the Austin marathon. She ran it on Sunday and blew it out of the water. Her time was 3 hrs 39 minutes!!! She qualified for the Boston marathon. Not an easy thing to do. She said boot camp helped her to stay strong and injury free. She has now come on with us at CrossFit Central as an assistant coach!!! She will be starting to assist me with my morning and evening boot camps in March. Welcome Alex!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Workout of the Day

We are now in the 3rd week of February sessions and everybody is kicking butt! Today's WOD (Workout of the Day) is listed below. Great job!!

Reps: 21-15-9-15-21

Dumbell Cleans (10-15lb dumbells)
Medball Knee Slam Sit-Ups

After that we utilized the stability ball and did some Glute and Hamstring Planks and more core work.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Free Weekend Events

The great thing about being a client with CrossFit Central is that you get so much more than what you pay for. On top of the body assesments, nutrition counceling, food log accountability, supplements, etc. we almost always hosting FREE weekend workouts and events!!

This weekend we have 2!! Saturday we are holding a 2 hour workshop for all "I AM CROSSFIT" participants. This will be a really hands on technical workshop covering body weight movements and barbell movements. Should be fun and lots to learn!

Sunday we are having our WOMEN'S ONLY CrossFit Indoor workout. The workout will run from 9:30 - 10:30 AM and after we will head over to Central Market for some brunch and fun.

I can't express enough what an awesome community CrossFit Central is and hope that you can be a part of it! Check out website for all upcoming events, programs and news! www.CrossFitCentral.com

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Team Work

This morning in boot camp we switched it up a bit and did a "Team" workout. We divided up into 3 different groups and had to complete the following moves and reps as a team before moving to the next station.

Station 1
250 Reps of Each of the Following:
Wall Ball
Lunge with Overhead Press

Station 2
200 Reps of Each of the Following:
Box Jumps

Station 3
300 Reps of Each of the Following:
Russian Twist
Medball Toe Touches

Everybody worked together to decide if they would divide the reps evenly amongst everyone on the team or if each of them would take the most reps for their favorite move, how many rounds they would take to do the number of reps decided, if there would be a person resting, etc. It was up to them to strategies on how they would tackle this workout together.

All in all I thought it was a great workout and a great chance to interact with and encourage your fellow boot campers. Awesome job to everyone!!! Go Team!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Shout Out...

There are so many hard workers in the CrossFit Rogue Boot Camp classes this month! Lots of new people as well as returning people. I am honestly impressed by the hard work that these people put in every time they show up. Just wanted to highlight Sarah Ringstrom today though. I don't think she realizes how hard she works and how well she does. She always has beautiful form and pushes herself but doesn't give herself enough credit. So I decided I will give her the credit she deserves =) Awesome job Sarah!!! Keep it up!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Working Hard and Having Fun

January has been an awesome month for CrossFit Rogue Boot Camp! I had some returning boot campers jump back on the wagon, my good ole trusted boot campers and then quite a few newbies as well. It has been a great mix and lots of fun. I was excited to learn yesterday that Joe, one of the newbies has already dropped 10 lbs. this month!!! Nothing makes me happier than hearing that my clients are having success! Keep up the great work everybody!!

WOD (Workout of the Day)
3 Rounds of 30 Thrusters & 30 Sit-Ups
3 Rounds of Lunges and 40 Mountain Climbers
3 Rounds of 15 Push-Ups, 25 Air Squats and 400 meter Run
2 Rounds of 50 Partner Medball Overhead Throws and 50 Russians

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CrossFit Central featured in Austin Tidbits


Austin Tidbits, for those of you who do not know, is a fabulous email newsletter featuring editorial articles covering the hottest trends geared towards women in categories such as shopping around Austin, eats and drinks, beauty tips and lots more. This week they were featuring the BEST free workouts here in Austin and CrossFit Central's "Under the Bridge" workout was one of the 3 they chose. We are honored.

The Under the Bridge workout is something we hold monthly at Town Lake under the Mopac bridge and it is FREE to anybody and everybody of all fitness levels. The format is based on our boot camp classes so people can get a sense of what our programs are like. Or existing clients can get in an extra FREE workout! Our next under the bridge workout or better known as UTB is this Saturday, January 31st at 8:30 AM. Come join us to start your weekend off right.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Taking it Outdoors...

Tonight the 6 PM Rogue Boot Camp class is taking the workout outside! Yay for beautiful weather! Every now and then our indoor class goes outside which makes for a nice change of scenery, some fresh air and we get to utilize the awesome track that is right by the basketball court and park. Oh ya... all kinds of fun stuff we get to play with tonight! Come join us for free to try it out and meet this awesome group of people! We work hard and have fun!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

SUCCESS STORY - Whitney Frakes

Pictured Above: Whitney - May 2008

Pictured Above: Whitney - January 2009

Whitney Frakes joined the CrossFit Central Rogue Boot Camp about 7 months ago and stuck with it. Since then she has transformed herself!! I am so proud of her hard work, determination and great attitude. She always shows up to class, pushes herself, never quits and it has paid off. She has seen tremendous results and I would like to share her story. Read below to find out how she did it!!

Whitney's Story:

CrossFit and me... where do I start? I honestly had NO CLUE what I was getting into when I started Jess' boot camp last June. All I thought was Jess knows me, knows my injuries, she'll probably help me get back into the shape I was before the sprained ankle and car accident without inflicting new injuries on me! Done and done.

The class was fun, the people were great, the workouts hard... I fell the first week... clearly the whole coordination and agility fitness domains were beyond me! I felt incompetent at times (ok, most of the time), couldn't do push ups, pull ups, the WARM UP killed me! But that didn't stop me. In fact, it pushed me to train more.

I didn't have any specific goals in mind when I started, didn't really think I'd go for longer than 1 month. Thought I'd get all I needed out of it, then go back to my regular exercise routine. I laughed when Jess and Lance would mention free 8 AM workouts on Saturdays thinking I'd NEVER get up that early, on a Saturday no less, to work out. I blew off what they said about the Zone, and I can't tell you how many times I argued that it was SO NOT 80% diet 20% workout, my argument was that I worked out so that I could eat anything I wanted.

After watching a woman in her 50's kick my butt in the Spartan 300 Challenge last summer I thought I should stick around. By the end of the 2nd month I was hooked and by the time September rolled around I had drank the Kool-Aid...

I've been doing CrossFit for 8 months now and it really has been life changing! Some changes I've seen?

* Push ups are now done on my toes - something I never thought I'd do
* Pull ups! I can do them! Unassisted! Not more than 2 in a row but getting there
* Lost 20 lbs and 9% body fat - went from wearing 8/10's to wearing 2/ 4's
* I go to the free early AM classes now
* Inspired my Mom, sister, and friend to do boot camps and CrossFit
* Rarely get sick and only been to the chiropractor 2x's in 8 months- unheard of for me
* No longer have to wonder what "muscle group" I'm "isolating" on those machines at the big "box gyms"!!
* Best physical and mental shape of my life. Ever. The best part? It's just going to get better. I will lift heavier and go faster!
* Zone. Yup, I gave up my argument 5 months ago
* Always had the mentality that if I put my mind to something I will succeed. CrossFit has broadened what I put my mind to and what I have and will succeed at
* The BEST community of people to be a part of!

I'm excited about 2009! Lots of goals to meet but it all boils down to being better than I was yesterday. Constant improvement. Everyday push what I think are my boundaries mentally and physically. Do something that scares me every day. In April I'm running my first 1/2 marathon, I won't lie, it scares me! Next on my list? Tattoos, sky diving, and surfing! Makin' it happen in '09!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 2 of Boot Camp Here We Come...

Above is my PM boot camp class throwing up some double Cs because that's how we do it at CrossFit Central. =) Last Thursday we took our workout outside and it was perfect weather and made for a really fun night! We had pumping music thanks to Melissa and a killer workout.

WOD (Workout of the Day)
Tabata Style - 6 Rounds of 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest:
Over Head Press
Wall Ball
* In between each round we ran 400 meters on the track and then 1 minute rest and rotate.

Today is the first day of week 2 for January boot camp session. Remember your New Years resolutions, if any, and keep that motivation and momentum going to carry you through to reach your goals.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Have YOU Been on the Naughty List??

CrossFit Women's Holiday Party (Pictured Above:Whitney Frakes, Myself and Megan Parsons)

Okay...we've all had a nice break, maybe been a little relaxed on the ole diet and exercise? Ready to get back to feeling good and energized? Have some New Year's Health goals in mind? Let's start 2009 off right!!! Get signed up for class and join us next week for challenging and fun workouts! We have lots of specials right now too...hope to see you there!


For Both New and Veteran Boot Campers:

Refer 3 Friends & Get Your Boot Camp For FREE!!!
Refer 3 Friends & All 4 Of You Get Boot Camp For $100/2xWeek (normally $150) & $175/3xWeek (normally $220)

For New Boot Campers Only:

When Two New Campers Sign Up for 3 Days a Week You Save $90.00!
When Two New Campers Sign Up for 2 Days a Week You Save $50.00!